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Toyota showed a new hydrogen car in Paris

01 Oct 2016 4364views
Toyota hydrogen car paris

Last year, Japanese experts of Toyota provided a new design of fuel system called Fuel Cell Vehicle to the public. In particular, on the basis of this development at an event in Paris was shown new car that runs on hydrogen - FCV Plus. Eco-fuel absolutely does not leave any harmful substances into the atmosphere, thereby making it possible to achieve the maximum level of transport harmlessness. Another special feature is that the car can generate electricity not only for the car but also for other purposes. In fact, the novelty is a demonstrating new source of energy.

The new technology was performed on a sedan with a quite spacious interior which can accommodate several passengers. Such parameters of new hydrogen car can become a helpful assistant while driving within the city. The energy is carried out by four wheels. About the release of the serial production of the new car modification is not revealed by the Japanese company.