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Alfa Romeo sedan 2016 prepares the new 480 h.p. motor

28 Dec 2014 8458views
Alfa romeo sedan 2016

Representatives of the Italian concern Alfa Romeo announced that they are going to release a high-performance line of engines to the year 2016. In new model of a sedan from Alfa Romeo will be presented, both atmospheric, and inflatable motors, of 2,2 litre. Engines will provide with power from 135 to 480 h.p.

In addition, engineers Maserati are working on improving VM Motori diesel engine used on some of their models and off-road Jeep.

The basic complete set of new model from the Italian car maker will be equipped with the engine which volume makes 2 litre, the power of the motor will reach 180 h.p.

Alfa romeo sedan 2016 Alfa romeo sedan 2016 Alfa romeo sedan 2016 Alfa romeo sedan 2016